Starting A New Conversation
Parenting for a Different World has a simple goal:
promote wellness for our kids. We will grow help-seeking skills, resiliency, mental health access, and support for those who need it. We will shift the dialog about priorities and achievement to attain greater balance in the physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development of our young people. We will help strengthen the family by fostering community, raising awareness, and sharing knowledge. Will you join the conversation? |
We envision supportive communities with a culture in which success and opportunity for our young people are broadly-defined and where mental health becomes an integral feature of wellness.
Relying on a few core communities of modern life, the "branches" of our tree,
we hope to strengthen common values in all families through engagement with: Faith & Service Education Music & the Arts Sports Perseverance through adversity. Concern for ourselves and others. Wellness & balance. These are the core values we choose to promote in our young people to help them thrive, both today and throughout their futures. |